Monday, March 21, 2011

passing the days....

Since we've been living in a quarantine zone of a home for the last week with everyone sick with chest-cold/flu/plague-like symptoms, I've been feeling like one big biohazard.  We've had no play-dates or friends come over to visit (unless they wore their HazMat suits) so with my downtime stuck on the couch I've had the chance to watch a few movies, download some music and catch up on my book-club reading.

Currently reading
Saving CeeCee Honeycutt. So far so good, kinda like a mix between Steel Magnolias and The Help. I've already cried a few times and I'm only a about 100 pages in (but a combo of NyQuil and Ambien will do that...)

Like the book of the same name, it seems to be one those movies either you really like or kinda couldn't stand to get through. Personally I didn't mind it.  And, obviously Italy is the best country in the world. Period. 

The original Swedish movie version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo from the book trilogy. It was long, dark, a bit twisted and very Swedish. Overall a good interpretation of the book. However reading subtitles can get old, fast. 

Due Date, starring Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis. Pretty much an updated Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I had heard mixed reviews on this one and didn't expect many laughs but both actors are so real in their performances that I couldn't help but like it.  And Zach G's deadpan delivery of ridiculous lines like " were like a father to me."... make you stop, think for a second and then chuckle.

Listening to

If you haven't already discovered British singer/songwriter Adele, you're seriously missing out. Her new album "21" was just released in the US in February and her single "Rolling in the Deep" in inspired. Trust.

Feast your ears on this....


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