Friday, March 4, 2011

Home parties

Lately I've been invited to a lot of home parties, not house parties but "home parties." As in the type of party that women over the age of 25 are invited to as an excuse go out (dump your boyfriends, husbands and children) and get to together to shop, eat and drink in the comfort of a girlfriends home.  
The idea is nothing new (think Tupperware) and you'd be hard pressed to find a girl out there who hasn't been invited to at least one candle, jewelry, food storage system, cookware, house wares, beauty products, sex toys or clothing party.  Usually a friend will invite you over for an evening of food, drinks and the chance to shop for whatever the sales rep is selling (and in turn that hostess will receive huge discounts on products for themselves.) It's easy to see the appeal.
 I myself don't mind them cuz I'll take any opportunity to get out for an evening with friends to talk, drink a lot of wine and shop for more stuff I likely don't need. (Refer to previous hoarding post)

 I recently picked up this completely over priced necklace from a jewelry home party. Apparently it's the same one that Courtney Cox's character Jules wears in "Cougar Town".   It sucked me in....once again.

Honestly I also like supporting my friends who've decided to earn extra income by selling the products and brands they like. And often the stuff is really good so why wouldn't I get behind them and throw down some cash? 

Who ever dreamed up the "Home party" concept was a fracking genius. "Yes, let's get a group of women together in a confined area with their friends, give them a 3 minute sales pitch, fill a table full of product and encourage them to drink wine and then buy buy buy." 
Sounds good to me!

So do you get invited to home parties by your friends looking to sell stuff to you and how do you feel about them? Are they a fun excuse to get together with your girls and shop or would you rather pass on the idea and head for the mall?

P.S.  Mama isn't endorsing or selling any particular brand or product here. She only shops.

images via google, ebay


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