Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tiffany, red wine and Manny...

So typically February is a non-event, boring-type of month, but thankfully this year I've managed to dodge the late-winter blues and the month has flown by quickly! 
Keeping busy with friends and having a lot of events to attend seems to have made February come and go in a flash...can I get an Amen for that!

Valentines was a blast and our friends Nick and Voula hosted a 34th b-day party/Valentines day dinner party at their home for my girlfriend Dana
Red red wine on Valentines!
Four of us girls decided to get together and buy Dana a few pieces from Tiffany. The birthday girl laughed and cried...there's a whole lotta emotion that comes from a little blue box!

Last weekend was the Family Day long weekend where we live, which is really just a made-up day off (because February has got nothing going for it and the local powers that be figured that people needed something to look forward to, but I'll take any long weekend I can get!)
We went over to our friends Dina and Joseph's for dinner, he's a great cook and he whipped up some avocado and shrimp appetizers. They were beyond delish,,,this will be one of my new go-to appies.
So tasty...check out the recipe here

It's Manny from Modern Family with my Kid I joke, but Dina's 13yr old son is a dead ringer for Rico Rodriguez, in my opinion anyway. So cute!

Am I right or what?...

Happy end of February, hope your month has flown by quickly too...I'm ready for spring now

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