Sunday, July 17, 2011

Latisse Update....

So I've been using Latisse for about 6 weeks now and I'm not gonna lie, this stuff is over-priced GOLD.
 After years of maintaining fairly low expectations regarding "beauty" products (they almost always over-promise and under-deliver), this is one product that really comes through. I'm not even half way through the "treatment program" but the results are really exciting and my lashes are actually considerably longer and fuller. It's kinda really strange to see them changing!

I don't know why I would expect anything less then a wunder-drug from the people that brought us Botox and Juvederm- Allergan.
 Now if they could just figure out a product that would make the hair on my head grow thicker and longer....

{Pre-Latisse, no makeup on}

{Here's my 6 week progress pics without a lick of makeup}

They're definitely fuller and longer and they're starting to curl upwards and out. Loooove this!
 I'll post more pics in another 6 weeks and final pics with Mascara when the 4 months of using Latisse is done.
Girls, forget eye-lash extensions- for the money Latisse is most definitely the way to go...


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